rangeley childcare center
rangeley childcare center
85 Loon Lake Road
Rangeley, ME
Plans are underway for the Beth Brunswick Memorial Fund for Children to construct a licensed, reliable and affordable child care center for the Rangeley region, thus preparing our youngest community members for a successful career of learning, and to enable parents to return to work, school, or expand their employment hours. The center will also serve Rangeley area businesses by supporting new families that move into the community and need childcare in order to join the Rangeley workforce. We are enthusiastic about our accomplishments thus far. We can report the following:
- 501(c)3 status granted
- Purchase of 2.75 acres adjacent to Rangeley Lakes Regional School. Conditional use permit secured.
- Collaboration with the Rangeley Lakes Regional School to design appropriate/coordinated curriculum
- Approval and commitment from the State for a grant in the amount of $250,000.
- $750,000 congressionally directed spending grant awarded.
- Pledges, donations and fundraising totaling $3,350,000.
- Grant awarded from Northern Borders Reigonal Commision (NBRC) for $1,000,000
- Architectural plans by Children’s Design Group; Construction by H.E. Callahan